For Men & Dads from 18 TO 50.

Life Insurance.

Get active.

Get rewarded.

Don’t be an averageJOE be an ActiveJOE

Save up to 30% on Life insurance
and claim your lifestyle rewards for being active

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Life Insurance for Men and Dads

From as little as £5.56 per month

AgeNon-SmokerLife Insurance CoverCost Per Month
18Check Mark£150,000£5.56
20Check Mark£150,000£5.64
25Check Mark£150,000£6.20
30Check Mark£150,000£7.31
35Check Mark£150,000£9.46
40Check Mark£150,000£14.01
45Check Mark£150,000£21.37
50Check Mark£150,000£34.75

Please note life insurance cover is for a non-smoker and is based on a 25 year term.
The per month pricing is a guideline price and is subject to personal circumstances.
All ages between 18 to 50 can be quoted.

Age SmokerLife Insurance CoverCost Per Month
18Check Mark£150,000£7.59
20Check Mark£150,000£7.80
25Check Mark£150,000£9.21
30Check Mark£150,000£12.53
35Check Mark£150,000£19.07
40Check Mark£150,000£30.13
45Check Mark£150,000£49.82
50Check Mark£150,000£84.21

Please note life insurance cover is for a non-smoker and is based on a 25 year term.
The per month pricing is a guideline price and is subject to personal circumstances.
All ages between 18 to 50 can be quoted.

Why buy life insurance?

Are you a UK man or Dad between the age of 18 and 50? If so, have you considered the importance of life insurance?

Life insurance is a critical aspect of financial planning that every man and dad should prioritise. It serves as a safety net for your loved ones in the event of an unexpected tragedy. While it may be uncomfortable to think about, ensuring your family’s financial security should be at the top of your priority list.

Imagine the peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of even if you’re no longer around. Life insurance provides a financial cushion that can cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and most importantly, the future needs of your family. By arranging your life insurance sooner rather than later, you’ll pay lower premiums and have the right cover for your needs.

Don’t put off protecting your loved ones any longer. Take the necessary steps to arrange life insurance today. Our team of experts are ready to guide you through the process and find the perfect policy to suit your needs and budget. Remember, life is unpredictable, and putting off life insurance any longer can be a costly mistake.

Life insurance is not just a luxury, but a necessity for UK men and dads between the ages of 18 and 50. By taking immediate action, you can safeguard your family’s financial future and provide them with the peace of mind they deserve. Contact us today and get your free quote.

Other Life Services

Who is ActiveJoe

Like many responsible individuals, Active Joe had taken out a life insurance policy to ensure the financial security of his loved ones in case the unthinkable ever happened. Every month, he faithfully made his payments, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was simply pouring money into something that would only benefit his family if he were no longer around.

Active Joe yearned for a life insurance policy that would not only provide for his family’s future, but also reward him for the active and healthy lifestyle he led. He was a busy parent with a hectic schedule, working full-time while striving to maintain his fitness and well-being. Little did he know, his dream was about to become a reality.

One fateful day, as Active Joe was browsing the internet during his lunch break, he stumbled upon a hidden gem – a life insurance policy that would not only offer him the usual financial security, but also provide him with incredible lifestyle rewards. It seemed almost too good to be true, but Active Joe couldn’t help but be intrigued.

With newfound excitement, Active Joe delved into the details of this extraordinary life insurance policy. He discovered that he would not only enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing his family would be taken care of, but he would also be granted exclusive discounts and perks simply for being insured.

Active Joe couldn’t believe his luck. It was as if he had stepped into a dreamland where his insurance policy was not just another expense, but a gateway to a world of rewards – all thanks to his choice of life insurance.

From that moment on, Active Joe’s perspective on life insurance was forever changed. He no longer saw it as a burden, but as an opportunity to embrace his active lifestyle and be rewarded for it. He signed up for the policy and eagerly awaited the countless rewards that awaited him.

How to stay active and reap the rewards

Update your daily routine

Find an activity that you enjoy and that suits your level of fitness. Try walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, gym, or playing a sport.

Exercise Regularly

Make physical activity a part of your daily routine. You can use the stairs instead of the lift, park your car further from your destination, or take a break from sitting every hour and stretch or move around.

Set realistic goals for yourself

For example, you can aim to walk for 30 minutes a day, three times a week, or to join a fitness class twice a week at your local gym.

Reward yourself

Reward yourself for your achievements. You can treat yourself to something you like, such as free coffees, cinema tickets or even a relaxing Spa break. Celebrate your progress and be proud of yourself.

Get a life insurance quote today!


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